Atlanta Community Choirs Align To Support Homeless Youth With “Choirs Rock” Hosted by B. Chase & Shabach External

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Home / Artists / Atlanta Community Choirs Align To Support Homeless Youth With “Choirs Rock” Hosted by B. Chase & Shabach External

Tik Tok viral gospel veteran, B. Chase & Shabach will present “Choirs Rock” on Sunday, May 29 in Atlanta, GA at the Faith Deliverance Church. This free and charitable musical event will serve as an opportunity to celebrate the talent of independent community choirs while raising money for Williams’ new non-profit organization, Mellie’s House Of Pride . The foundation’s motto, H.O.P.E. (Helping Our People Elevate) was birthed to encourage anyone that encounters the organization and find “HOPE” in often “hope-less” situations.

Attendees of the event are encouraged to bring supplies and donations to benefit their community in the form of clothes, non-perishable food, toiletries, unopened undergarments and more. All donations will be used to benefit those in need.

When asked about his inspiration surrounding Mellie’s House Of Pride, Wiliams had the following to say:

“Before there was a ‘B. Chase & Shabach’ I was homeless here in Atlanta. I know the struggle, I’ve slept in shelters and on park benches, and I never forgot that. I remember that being one of the most difficult periods of my life, and if I can help someone who is currently there, then it will have all been worth it…”

For “Choirs Rock” ticketing and event information CLICK HERE:

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